Excite, Incite, Ignite: Get Your Health On at Healthy Rant
Change is possible, even simple when you know the secrets. You're only one step away!
Health. It’s your most precious and personal resource. We all know that money can’t buy you love…and it can’t buy you health, either.
But health can buy you happiness, peace of mind, and a rich quality of life. Health means you can chase your kids around and kick a ball with them for hours. Health means you can hike that mountain. Health means preventing chronic conditions. Health means energy and enthusiasm…
…and, beyond a grab-bag of genetic factors, health is up to you.
It’s the ultimate in empowerment: you can choose health, and you can choose it with many “micro-actions” every day. Health is a path you walk, not with giant leaps and bounds, but with baby steps.
So, whether you’re looking to get healthy or stay healthy, eat right or exercise more – or even conquer conditions like obesity, diabetes,and coronary artery disease– you’ll need information and support to keep taking those baby steps and making those micro-actions.
And that’s what you’ll find here at Healthy Rants: advice and support to help you make healthy decisions.
10 Steps to Better Health with Healthy Rant
You’re on a quest to change your health habits for the better, and you need to stock up on supplies for the journey. (And maybe find someone to sit by the fire with you and sing Kumbaya.)
I’m Scott Carson and I’ve got some fuel for your tank and your fire. I’m the founder (and chief ranter!) here at Healthy Rant – but by day I work in the Heart and Vascular labs of a hospital in surrounding San Antonio, Texas.
Basically, I’m a guy who is sold on the possibilities for health, currently makes his living from the poor health of others – and I’d like to change that. I’d like to work my way out of a job and work toward making a difference.
And that’s what Healthy Rant is about: providing great health information and discussion so that all of us have the motivation and resources we need to live healthy lives. Together at Healthy Rant, we (you ‘n me and all of us) are creating a community of people passionate about living this life like it counts.
So if you’re looking for actionable ways to improve your health, here’s a tutorial designed to help you identify micro-actions and a mind-set that will get you walking – maybe even running! – toward health one baby-step at a time.
- What Is Your Health / Wellness Life Worth?
- Health: You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s Gone!
- How to Change Your Eating Habits One Step at a Time
- How Can I Stop Late Night Eating?
- How Your Diet can Replace Medications?
- Is It Harder To Say No to Food After Exercise?
- Nutrition Study: Are You In This for The Long Haul?
- Are You Fit… Or Are You Just Fooling Yourself?
- “Running Isn’t Everything, It’s The Only Thing”
- A Break In My Week
What You’ll Find Here at Healthy Rant
At Healthy Rant, in addition to useful tutorials, resources, and healthy advice, you’ll find a welcoming community and a pro-active approach to healthy living that tasks you – not your doctors or other “experts” – with managing your nutrition, exercise, and well-being.
What You Won’t Find at Healthy Rant
That’s what you’ll find at Healthy Rant. What you won’t find: condescension, self-righteousness, or gonzo fitness.
At least not exclusively. You might see us break out with the occasional P90X or “extreme” recommendations…but that’s because we’re passionate about health and having fun with fitness – which sometimes translates into passionate recommendations.
But for the most part we’re maintenance athletes and that’s what we recommend.
After all, we’re all here to get our health on. Happily. Not frenetically.
Getting – and Staying – Motivated to Make Healthy Choices
And of course we’re here to help each other get and stay motivated.
So if you’re burning to get started, check out our blog about all-things healthy, from eating healthy, learning more about nutrition, getting moving, to managing your health without medication.
Or, if you need a map for your health journey, use my free e-book as your guide. It’s helpful, doesn’t talk back (much), and will be there whenever you need it. It won’t carry your bags or prepare your meals, though. That’s all up to you. (So are the campfire songs.)
If you’re game to get healthy and join an ongoing mission to eradicate or eliminate preventable diseases – individually and nationally – then sign up to receive hot and healthy rants as soon as they’re ready:
I'm Scott Carson
I am absolutely fascinated about what is possible with human performance and health. Science is steady discovering new avenues for course correction in order to achieve optimum health. It is my belief that God is concerned with our lives!
"You shall walk entirely in the way which the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live and that it may be well for you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you will possess., Deuteronomy 5:33"
“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
― Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto
“Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day -- Mother Nature's best effort yet at contra-death.”
― Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams